Our July 2020 release was focused on improving our users ability to filter. In this release we have added new endpoints and new filtering capabilities in order to navigate our sneaker data easier.

What’s new in the July 2020 release

Here is what we have added since the last time you heard from us:

  • Brands Endpoint – Prior to this release, we noticed that our users were limited on how they could build filtering components in their application. To help ease that pain point we have implemented a brands endpoint that returns every brand currently available in our database.
  • Genders Endpoint – To go along with the brands endpoint, we have added a genders endpoint. This endpoint exposes every gender available in our database.
  • Additional Filter Operations – Last month we enabled >= and <= comparison operations. This month we have enabled > and < comparison operations.
  • Additional Parameter – We have included a new “shoe” parameter which allows you to search by silhouettes (e.g. Jordan 1 Retro High). We now are returning the shoe and name parameters in our response.
  • Sorting – Building a sneaker website using our data? Are you looking to sort sneakers by a field other than release date? Now you can, with our new sort query parameter.
  • Multi-value Parameters – Until now you could only specify a single value for each parameter. Beginning with this release, we are able to handle multiple values for searchable parameters.

To learn more about our API, check out our swagger documentation.

New Endpoints

To get the list of brands and genders within our database simply submit a get request to their respective endpoints listed below.

  • https://api.thesneakerdatabase.com/v1/brands
  • https://api.thesneakerdatabase.com/v1/genders

Additional Comparison Operators

As of this release the following operations are available:

  • lt – less than
  • gt – greater than
  • lte – less than or equal to
  • gte – greater than or equal to
  • lte – less than or equal to

If you aren’t familiar with our comparison operator syntax, please check out our date filtering blog post.


Our newly unveiled sorting functionality has a syntax similar to our comparison operators. To specify a field to sort your results, set the sort parameter with the name of the field and the order for which you would like to sort. Order can be ascending or descending. When the sort parameter is not provided,  the default sort order is descending by release date. Be aware that sort order is ignored when searching by name.

The following request will return all vans sneakers by retail price in descending order. Please notice the “:” between the sort field and the sort order.


To sort in ascending order replace “desc” with “asc”.


Sort order is ignored when searching by name, as our interest is returning the most relevant sneakers first.

https://api.thesneakerdatabase.com/v1/sneakers?limit=10&brand=vans&sort=retailPrice:desc&name=fear of god

The query above uses the name parameter, therefore results will be returned in order of relevance rather than by retail price.

We welcome your input

We will continue to grow the dataset that powers our Sneaker Database API. If we are missing data that is needed for your solution, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always looking for ways to make our data more robust so that you can spend more time developing your solution.

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