
computer programming
We understand how hard it can be to maintain your downloads directory. We developed a python script to delete any file within the downloads directory that has been modified more than 7 days ago. After reading this tutorial, you will know how to delete all files within a directory and execute the script on schedule...
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timeit python
The timeit module enables you to measure the execution time of python functions. This proves beneficial when looking to optimize your python code. Especially, when determining the best way to solve a problem. During this tutorial you will learn about the timeit python module and how to use it to time your python functions. What...
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Looking for ways to optimize python lists? We will cover a few data structures and algorithms that will help you optimize your code when working with lists. At the end of this post you will have a general understanding of the bisect module, deques, and heaps. All of which can be helpful when using lists....
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Are you new to python? No worries, we have put together a list of great resources to help you learn python for free. All of the resources listed in this article are free and have been selected because of the quality of the content and the frequency of which developers at TG4 use them. 1....
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Python is a great language to learn for its ease of use and its powerful application in big data. When first learning python, there are 4 powerful concepts that can be hard to understand depending on your prior programming experience. Today, we explain these concepts in detail to help you write cleaner code. 1. A...
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