
Software Development
Are you new to python? No worries, we have put together a list of great resources to help you learn python for free. All of the resources listed in this article are free and have been selected because of the quality of the content and the frequency of which developers at TG4 use them. 1....
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When building a multi-environment application using Terraform, you will need a way to specify environment specific variables. We will discuss how we accomplish this through the use of input variables and tfvars files. Terraform input variables When constructing your cloud architecture using Terraform, you can dynamically configure your resources and services using input variables. You...
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Tired of manually deploying your AWS lambda after every change? Let’s discuss how you can offload these responsibilities to a build automation tool, like Jenkins. Jenkins is able to deploy the latest version of your lambda with just a simple click of a button. Deploying an AWS Lambda In order to deploy an AWS lambda...
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invalid elf header
Are you experiencing an “Invalid ELF header” error when executing your AWS Lambda? If so, you have came to the right place for help. We will discuss the root cause of this error and how to solve this issue with the help of Docker. Root cause for invalid elf header error When executed, AWS Lambdas...
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Python is a great language to learn for its ease of use and its powerful application in big data. When first learning python, there are 4 powerful concepts that can be hard to understand depending on your prior programming experience. Today, we explain these concepts in detail to help you write cleaner code. 1. A...
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dockerignore file
When building docker images, it is easy to include files that aren’t necessary for your application to run successfully. Which increases our image size and can potentially cause deployment issues. In this post, we will discuss the value of the .dockerignore file and how it can be used to cleanup your docker images. What is...
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horizontally scale pyrfc
Depending on your solution, running a single threaded PyRFC server (like the one we setup in part 1 of this series) may not work for your data needs. In our case, we needed the ability to process multiple request simultaneously. In part three of this series, we will discuss how to scale your PyRFC server...
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pyrfc dockerfile
In our previous post, we walked through how to setup a PyRFC server program.  Now we will discuss how to create a Dockerfile to containerize your program. If you aren’t familiar with Docker or Dockerfiles, we suggest reviewing this documentation. After reading this post, you should have a working Dockerfile that can be used to...
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PyRFC is a Python package that provides users with the ability to connect to the SAP Netweaver RFC library. In doing so, ABAP modules are able to call Python modules and vice versa. This is advantageous when attempting to setup a lightweight Python server to handle SAP ETL jobs. Today, we will walk you through...
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python virtual environment
Virtual environments are isolated working copies of python, which allow you to have different projects environments for each of your projects. Which prevents changes in one project affecting others. 1. Install Xcode 2. Open a terminal window 3. Install Command Line Tools of Xcode xcode-select ––install 4. Install Homebrew ruby -e \ “$(curl -fsSL”...
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