Last year we released our Madden NFL 19 Connected Franchise Mode (CFM) GroupMe chatbot. This year we are excited to release a new version for Madden NFL 20. Madden Season is around the corner and we want to take time to discuss some of the new features we are looking to add.

Link gamertags to GroupMe users

When running a Madden connected franchise, we understand how hard it can be to keep track of who has which team. Previously, we had all users change their name in the chat to the name of the team they owned. When users start new leagues or switch teams the process of changing their name can be annoying. In order to simplify this situation, we have created a “gamertag” slash command to link GroupMe users to their gamertag. Once each user sets their gamertag, the bot will automatically keep track of which user owns which team (as long as the most recent version of the data is exported). Users can link themselves to their team with a one time use of the “gamertag” slash command. Removing the need for users to change their GroupMe name on every team change.

Notify users of games upon advance

Madden Connected Franchise commissioners have a lot of responsibilities. One of these responsibilities includes advancing weeks. For every advance, commissioners typically announce any user vs. user games that exists for the current week. Due to the number of advances required each season and the fact that there can be up to 16 user vs. user games per week, we want to simplify this process for commissioners. Therefore, we plan to enhance the existing “advance” slash command. Currently, the “advance” slash command increments the week counter and displays the user vs. user games. However, we are not mentioning/tagging the GroupMe users who are associated with the teams that are playing. So for Madden NFL 20, we want to mention users when the “advance” slash command is used. This enhancement automates a task that is required each week of the season and helps each member of the league stay connected to the league without being logged on to their gaming console.


With Madden NFL 20 we are looking for ways to improve the user experience of our chatbot. We excited early adopters and provided them with the connectivity to their CFM leagues that they yearned for with the first version of our chatbot. However, we received a lot feedback regarding the user experience of our bot. Many users mentioned documentation and GroupMe connectivity as areas for improvement. We want to show our users that we value their feedback with the release of our chatbot this season.

Do you have feedback or enhancement suggestions for our Madden NFL 20 chatbot? We want to hear from you. Contact us today.

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